Friday, January 29, 2010

FBC Rogers team arrived in Haiti 1/29/10

Our team will be keeping up with the FBC Rogers team in Haiti starting today.  There are several websites available to track the work they're doing as they pave the way for our work next week.  Though I don't know everyone on their team, I know it includes Dr. Lance Faddis, Dr. Shannon Jewell, Dr. Adam Maass, Dr. Jacob Kaler, missions pastor John Caubble, and several other medical professionals, including some from Jonesboro.  Their work can be followed on the Facebook link at

Two other lines of communication give more information about our ground support in Haiti.  Thirst No More is a Christian relief organization, whose president is Craig Miller.  Craig is our liaison and is providing ground support for us there.  The organization's website is, and for those more sophisticated folks who tweet, search for "tnmtweets" to check on Craig's daily activities and involvement in Haiti.  Craig was the collegiate pastor at FBC Springdale for many years, and if my memory is correct, he also preached in our church before Brother Phillip came to us.

We will certainly be praying for this team as they begin their work and give us a heads-up on what we need to bring, how to prepare, and what we will be seeing.


  1. Thanks for keeping us updated. I didn't realize Dr. Kaler was with the group as well.

  2. I've been reviewing the pictures and posts from the FBC Rogers group. Very interesting things are happening that will affect our trip.

    * we'll be sleeping at the UN compound on the grounds of the Port-au-Prince airport, as noted on the map I sent you earlier.
    * there is a cantina there and they sell snack foods on the compound
    * there is a vending machine for cold drinks on the compound
    * Most importantly, they sent a picture of the medical supply depot (a whole warehouse full of medicines and medical supplies!). The team was allowed to gather supplies from there today and they have sent John Caubble back to the depot during the day to get other supplies! I don't think that limitation of supplies will be an issue.
    * Jennifer Faddis said that Lance reported that they were very short on toys and things for children, so we need to keep this in mind as we're packing.
    * Steve Goss asked if a friend from Conway could join us. She speaks French, and Craig Miller has approved her coming with us, so our group may be 7, instead of 6.

    Things are changing daily! Who's surprised?

